Our 2011 grantmaking
RESTRICTED GRANTS (**denotes multi-year grant)
Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science, Inc.
**To support the development and provision of high-quality advanced placement Math and Science programs in high-need Arkansas high schools.
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Inc.
To support AACF's capacity to carry out their mission of protecting families through research, education, communications, coalition-building, and advocacy.
Arkansas Coalition for Excellence
To support ACE's mission of strengthening Arkansas nonprofits.
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
To support the placement of three Career Coaches in high-need Pulaski County high schools.
Arkansas Humanities Council
To support Raising Education Achievement and Competence in the Humanities (REACH) mini-grant program for professional development of humanities teachers in Arkansas.
Arkansas Policy Foundation
To support a study that explores how the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) positively impacts Arkansas's income measures, and how increases in EITC participation could improve these measures.
Arkansas Public Policy Panel - Arkansas United Communities Coalition
To support grassroots organizing and community building in immigrant communities through the AUCC.
Arkansas Public Policy Panel
To support APPP's capacity to engage low wealth communities in community development and public policy advocacy.
Arkansas State University Mountain Home
To support the expansion of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites in Baxter, Jefferson, Mississippi, Polk, and Pulaski Counties.
Arkansas State University System
**To support the development of higher education and community-based programs focused on increasing retention and graduation rates for marginalized males in the state of Arkansas.
Arkansas State University – Arkansas Out of School Network
**To provide matching funds to the AOSN in support of $75,000 grant received from the C.S. Mott Foundation.
Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
**To supportintegration and secondary educational supports for the growing Latino population in Northwest Arkansas.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Arkansas
**To support the development of higher education and community-based programs focused on increasing retention and graduation rates among marginalized males in the state of Arkansas.
Boys, Girls, Adults Community Development Center
To support BGACDC's mission to build community competency in youth development, intergenerational community development, economic development, housing, and leadership development.
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
**To support integration and secondary educational supports for the growing Latino population in Northwest Arkansas.
Central Arkansas Development Council
**To support strategies for developing the assets of low-income Arkansans.
Clinton School District No. 1
**To support the expansion of the Arkansas School of the 21st Century Network (AR21C) with Clinton School District No. 1 acting as the fiscal agent.
Desha County
To support MDACC's mission to provide educational programs and workforce training to residents of Desha County and neighboring counties.
Economic Opportunity Agency of Washington County, Inc. – Northwest Arkansas Tax Center
**To support strategies for developing the assets of low-income Arkansans
Foodbank of North Central Arkansas
To support the implementation of resident-focused community development processes in low-wealth communities across Arkansas.
Henderson State University
**To support the development of higher education and community-based programs focused on increasing retention and graduation rates for marginalized males in the state of Arkansas.
Kiwanis Activities, Inc.
**To support the development of higher education and community-based programs focused on increasing retention and graduation rates for marginalized males in the state of Arkansas.
Main Street Dumas, Inc.
**To support the implementation of resident-focused community development processes in low-wealth communities across Arkansas.
Migration Policy Institute
**To update A Profile of Immigrants in Arkansas, the WRF-funded study released in 2007 that provided the first comprehensive picture of the demographics and economic impact of immigrant families in the state.
Mississippi County, Arkansas Economic Opportunity Commission
**To support DCDLC's mission to increase the scale, efficiency, and consistency of affordable housing production across the Delta areas of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
To support research on foundation funding to nonprofits in Arkansas for advocacy, community organizing, and civic engagement that benefits vulnerable or marginalized populations.
Rural Community Alliance
To support the implementation of resident-focused community development processes in low-wealth communities across Arkansas.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
To expand Reading Recovery, a research-based K-3 comprehensive literacy intervention as part of the Arkansas Campaign for Grade Level Reading.
University of Arkansas Fayetteville
**To support, in partnership with the School of Social Work and School of Journalism, a pilot demonstration of independent qualitative and quantitative data gathering tools in support of the WRF Grantee Outcomes Assessment Learnig System (GOALS) a pilot demonstration of independent qualitative and quantitative data gathering tools
in support of the WRF Grantee Outcomes Assessment Learning System (GOALS)
Winthrop Rockefeller Institute
To support educational and communications activities related to the Winthrop Rockefeller Centennial Celebration.
American Red Cross — Little Rock Region
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Inc.
Arkansas Coalition for Excellence
Arkansas Hospice Foundation, Inc.
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance
Arkansas Rice Depot
Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund
Boys and Girls Club of Phillips County
Boys, Girls, Adults Community Development Center
KIPP Delta College Preparatory Middle School
Market Matters, Inc.
Mountain Home Christian Clinic
South Conway County School District
Stone County Community Resource Council
University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Women's Foundation of Arkansas
Association of Black Foundation Executives
Association of Small Foundations
Council on Foundations Inc.
Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (Tide Center)
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
Grantmakers for Children Youth and Families
Grantmakers for Education
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
Grants Managers Network Inc.
Neighborhood Funders Group
Philanthropy Northwest
Southeastern Council of Foundations